Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Update

OK, this is only a little teaser, but since everyone has been clamoring for pictures, I thought I'd put a few up from our weekend walk around Le Marais (the Castro district of Paris) and down by the La Galleries Lafayette/Printemps shopping malls where Paris does it's best imitation of Macy's Christmas windows. The Parisiens eat it up. It was mostly families and I think we were a tad old for the crowd, but still, it fun.

On a side note, there is a picture of me in front of the Tour Saint Jacques. The church formely associated with the tower was long ago torn down, but the tower was kept around for making buckshot. They would haul molten hot iron (maybe lead??) to the top of the tower and then srpinkle it off the side in little drops down into buckets of water where it would cool, harden and viola! buckshot. How cool is that?! I tried to find a picture of said operation, but all I could get is this artist's rendering of what the tower might have looked like back in the day. Sorry.


  1. Like your historical comments. Paris looks more decked out for Noel than even us guys who have Christmas stores open all year long. - Bill
